Ralph is a black male kitten born 01/06/24 and his bestie Pearl is a calico tortie and white female born 14/6/24. They are both vaccinated, microchipped, flea and worm treated
and have a clean bill of health and are looking for a home together as a bonded pair, they get on great. They will be rehomed with 5 weeks free pet insurance and can return to our vets in either Northampton, Swadlincote or Tamworth for free neutering once old enough.
Ralph was handed into a vets in Birmingham after being found straying all on his own, he was running with fleas but otherwise fit and well. Pearl was dumped at the PDSA
hospital in a carrier along with her siblings and mum, poor things.
Ralph is a really happy, confident little lad who doesnt seem any worse for wear from his ordeal on the street which is testament to his little bubbly character. He loves the other kittens he is in foster with and enjoys playing chase and getting into mischief just as a kitten his age should, he is super friendly and loves a fuss too. He will make a great family kitten. Pearl is equally as friendly and confident, she loves to play and her favourite thing is to climb up you for a cuddle, they really make such a great little pair together.
They are both eating really well and enjoying Whiskas kitten food in jelly and IAMs dry food, they are really clean with the litter tray.
Ralph and Pearl can be rehomed with sensible children aged 5yrs and over, with other cats of course and can learn to live with a kind cat friendly dog too. They will need a home with a nice garden WELL AWAY FROM ANY BUSY OR FAST ROADS where they can play outside safely once
old enough and neutered,
Being fostered in Swadlincote, Derbys but can be rehomed further afield subject to homecheck and an adoption donation of £90 per kitten
If you can offer this gorgeous little duo their forever home please email us telling us all about your home offer in detail (including your full address and contact number) to wonkypetsrescue@gmail.com